The Reason For The World

Another “guest post” by my wife, Faye Richardson Mayberry. If you find this helpful, please “like” it. We’d like as many to benefit from what we are learning as possible. Feel free to share with whomever you wish.

The Reason For The World

After Ashton died, I started wondering about a lot of things. One being… just what are we here on this earth for? Did God really send me here to experience THIS?!!!

I thought I knew all the Sunday School answers to those questions…..Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? I thought I felt comfortable with the answers I’ve been given, but I wanted to be sure. I started reading about the creation of the earth and about Christ’s life. It felt good to be reminded of the energy and intention that my Heavenly Father put into the creation of this earth I live on.

My sister sent me a song that has given me great comfort on this issue. It speaks to me about why we are here. It’s called, ” The Reason For The World” by Matthew West. I found it on YouTube. There is also a version by Mercy River on iTunes that is my favorite. The chorus is what really speaks to my heart:

Maybe the reason for the pain is so that we can pray for strength
And maybe the reason for the strength is so that we would not lose hope
And maybe the reason for our hope is so that we can face the world
And the reason for the world is to make us long for home

Go listen…I love it even better put to music.

A wise friend told me: “The earth is not our home, it is our school.” I’m starting to believe that now. Am I passing my exams?