

My feet have connected with Sybil Road again…the quintessential walking spot in my part of Saint David.

It’s a big deal.

For me.

I’ve been wanting to do that for the 2 years since we’ve been home. And for I don’t know how many years before that. Well…I do know how many years. Almost 10.

The first time, I didn’t walk very far down… but I walked… and felt the significance of being out there again. My friend/neighbor Raquel was with me. It’s partly her fault I was there. I saw on Facebook that she had started walking and I kept getting the nudge to ask her if I could walk with her. The nudge would not leave me…so I messaged her, “I saw that you have been walking. Do you need a walking partner?” 


We haven’t been able to walk together since that first time. I think she was the blessing I needed to just get out there. Thanks Raquel! 😘

Sibyl Road is amazing when you’re walking on it!

Driving on the road, in my usual hurried state, I don’t notice all the connections I have with God. My series of walks have helped me notice those little beauties of this part of the earth I live on. Slowing down on these walks, helps me notice.

THE SHADE… I drink it in on those late summer mornings.  

I walk by a friend’s home where I know there is struggle and illness… and I whisper a silent prayer for them.

I run into friends I haven’t chatted with in a while. It feels good to connect.

This morning the irrigation ditch was running. I could hear the trickling water sounds a few feet away by the road.

I pass pecan orchards on each walk that have been passed down from father to son…connecting the generations of my husband’s family.

Inspiration for other writings come. I whip out my phone and dictate.

It’s SO NICE to be outside again. Mentally and physically… it feels so good!

It’s a beauty I have missed and I love how it connects me to my Creator.

Bringing more peace and unexpected patience as I wait on this earth for promised connections with Ashton.

Written by Faye

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

3 thoughts on “Connections

  1. I loved this. I’m hoping that since I will be close to you soon, when my walking improves enough I would love to join you on some of your walks if you wouldn’t mind. I miss you. This was a good reminder to appreciate the beauty of God All around us, no matter where we are.

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