Suicide and Cow Manure

Ashton - September 2013

Ashton – August 2013

Written by Carter

I grew up on a farm and cow manure was something I dealt with daily. For those who haven’t had that experience, please forgive the crudeness of this subject.

 Several years ago, I was discussing an upcoming meeting to address a difficult subject for everyone who would attend. Another participant questioned the utility of this exercise by comparing it to using a stick to stir up a pile of fresh cow manure. The smell would be quite strong and offensive. It would be a messy process. He didn’t see the benefit. My response was that, by doing so, the manure gets thinned out and is more quickly able to fertilize the grass nearby. Left alone in a big pile, the manure is actually too strong for the grass. The grass growth is slowed and it turns yellow.

As humans, one of the ways we process difficult subjects and situations is by talking or writing about them. Keeping them inside can be counter-productive and harmful.
Suicide is one of the most difficult subjects to address, but we have learned it is a reality in our human existence. Those who are left behind may need to talk about how suicide has affected them. Others are not ready to talk about suicide, hear others talk about it or even hear the word suicide.
We realize that our blog is not for everyone; it’s probably not even for most people. A given post may not be for a given reader; it’s too painful for them to read or it just doesn’t resonate with them. We understand that and are OK with that. If that’s you, don’t feel badly about skipping a post. However, there are other people — too many of them, unfortunately — who HAVE been profoundly affected by the suicide of a loved one. Many of our readers have told us they have a loved one who has taken their own life, or they are very concerned about the possibilty of that happening to someone they love. They NEED to talk about suicide; they need to see how others are dealing with suicide; they need to know that they are not alone in this incredibly painful journey. Those people are not the ONLY ones this blog is for, but we acknowledge that that is a big part of our audience. God bless you and comfort you and bring you peace — as only He can.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

7 thoughts on “Suicide and Cow Manure

  1. Appreciate your honestly. You both write from your hearts. I always get something out of the posts you write. Whether it just be an appreciation of life still yet to be lived. God bless and keep you.


  2. I also unfortunately am too familiar with suicide. Suicide is extremely hard for us left that grieve it. The unknown answers, the continues thoughts that run through our mind, the loneliness that is deep in our hearts.
    Carter and Faye, your blogs have been a blessing and I cant express how grateful I am that you both have the strength to put your thoughts out-there. God bless you!!

    • Thanks, Peggy. I’m sorry that you have had to deal with suicide, as well. God bless you, as well!

  3. I love the cow pile analogy! A good share of the events we encounter during our turn on earth would be met and dealt with more postivitely if they were first thinned out a little.

  4. Carter, words can’t express the sorrow I feel for you and your family. I know I cannot begin to understand what you and your family must have and are going through. I wanted to write and tell you that I will be praying for you and your family. Praying comfort and strength, praying you feel the presence of our Lord, knowing he is the glory and lifter of our head. Please know I will continue to pray comfort for you and your family as you comfort others that have had to deal with this tragedy. I am glad you found a way to express your sorrow to the Lord, to each other, and to others out there who have had to deal with a loss of a loved one. God be with you as you share his love and healing touch to others. Romans 8:38, 39

    • Kathy, it’s good to hear from you again! It’s been a long time. Thanks for taking the time to reach out to Faye and me. Thanks for your words of encouragement and faith and love!

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