Little Bruiser

Ashton  ~  6 months old

Ashton ~ 6 months old

I sat by a little bruiser while waiting for an appointment today. A little guy about 6 months old, strapped to his mom in a baby carrier. Square head, blondie, big blue eyes, big features, all boy. Cute as heck!

Ashton was born in Rockford, Illinois when Carter was at the end of his first year of medical residency there. He was my biggest baby, weighing 9 pounds, 8 ounces. We moved to Aurora, Colorado when Ashton was 2 months old. Candace and Jordan started school and it was just Ash and I at home. We had a great time together. He was a good napper and my little shopping buddy. Once we were in line to check out at the grocery store. There were three firemen behind us. One of them commented to me, “He’s a little bruiser!” Picture the little guy I described earlier and that’s  baby Ashton. He was all boy, too. Nothing petite about him. He would melt into you when you held him. He quickly acquired the name Squish. We’re a nickname family and that name evolved over time into many other Squish-like names. He was a gentle little guy who woke up happy from his naps. We all liked to go in and see him do his happy dance in his bed.

These memories are sweet to me. I’m grateful for those baby years I had with him.

It’s interesting that he was called a little bruiser then. He grew up to be one of the most gentle souls I know. He liked everyone to be happy and comfortable. He especially liked to make me happy. He was so kind and helpful to me. It was clear on the day he died that he was trying to make it as easy for me as possible. I’m the one that found him. Even in the unimaginable turmoil going on in his mind, he was aware of me and my comfort. He might have been called a little bruiser once, but there was nothing about his character that merited that name. I would call him a little… no… BIG blessing.

Written by Faye