Concentrate On The Baby

Ashton ~ 2 years old with baby brother, Jacob.

Ashton ~ 2 years old , holding newborn baby brother, Jacob.

Concentrate On The Baby…. I heard this somewhere, from someone, at the beginning of December. It sunk deep, and it has been on my heart and mind ever since. I wish I could remember where I heard it so I can give the proper credit.

I have concentrated on that baby… the baby of Christmas…  and it has been a blessing for me.

I have seen that baby, lying in his manger in the nativities of Christmas. I take a deep breath and remember.

I notice the newborns around me while shopping, at church, at family gatherings and remember that newborn Son.

I hear the music and singing all around me, especially at church today and I take note of how much that baby and His birth is included in the beautiful music of Christmas.

I heard someone mention today about swaddling. She compared the swaddling of the baby Jesus to how Christ’s love swaddles us so we can feel the HOPE we need to feel. When anyone talks about HOPE, I listen.

That Christmas day is almost here, that baby’s celebrated birthday. I remember, as a child, my mother would make a birthday cake on Christmas Eve for the baby Jesus with one candle on it. Children understand and remember birthdays and birthday cakes. It is a tradition I remember fondly.

My sister, Martha, sent us a song by Nichole Nordeman entitled, “Real”, as I was in the middle of this writing. Please listen HERE.  It will touch your heart.

In my sisters words, “Jesus Christ is not a mystery or myth.” That baby was real. “His story is real and it changes everything.”

He is the ultimate source of HOPE and He is why I can keep going.

Concentrate On The Baby…. it will change you. It has deeply blessed me this Christmas season.

Please…. Have A Blessed, Merry Christmas!

Written by Faye

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “Concentrate On The Baby

  1. that was beautifully said….Merry Christmas to you and your family. I am praying for you and family.

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